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Friday Update:

Lucas Co. Board of Developmental Disabilities News You Can Use

Lucas DD Family Fun Day is Sunday!

Our annual Lucas DD Family Fun Day is back with something for everyone. Food trucks, games, a kickball tournament, a provider expo, performances by iDance, and so much more! Free and open to all Board staff and families, individuals served and families, and our provider partners, too! No registration required.


Wealth & Wisdom on Sept. 18

The topic on Sept. 18 is SSI. Due to a low number of in-person registrations, this session will now be virtual only. The presentation/zoom begins at 6 p.m. Click here to join the zoom meeting, or copy/paste: Attendees can also receive 1.5 hours of DODD continuing education credits. Questions? Email


Family Ties on Sept. 19

Lucas DD's Family Ties Support Group is an informal opportunity for parents of I/DD individuals to make connections and build a network that they can lean on for support. The group meets monthly, with the next meeting scheduled for 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sept. 19 at Mott Library in Toledo.


Board Meeting September 23

Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities. The meeting is on Monday, September 23 at 5:30 p.m. It is open to the public at Lucas DD's Larc Lane Training Center, 1155 Larc Lane (Entrance O) in Toledo.

Help Us Bring the 2030 Special Olympics USA Games To Cleveland!

Cleveland is known as "The Land."

Ohio is known as "The Heart of it All."

The Special Olympics is known for "The Flame of Hope" as well as the heart of these incredible, inspirational athletes.

Help the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission, Special Olympics Ohio and Destination Cleveland as they prepare a bid to host the largest inclusive sports event in that city's history. The USA Games, held every 4 years, bring over 5,500 athletes and coaches from around the country, as well as more than 125,000 family members and attendees. The bid committee needs our help to bring this important, inclusive event to Cleveland. Be a part of...

  • The Land of Hope
  • The Land of Heart
  • The Land of Heroes
  • The Land of the Special Olympics 2030

We can’t do it without you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your colleagues. We need your help! To make Cleveland’s application as strong as possible, we need to demonstrate community support for having the event here.

Please click the above link to sign the petition to support Cleveland’s bid!


DSP Appreciation Week has Concluded

Our Provider Supports team would like to thank everyone who participated in the appreciation events this week, and congratulate all the winners of the prizes from the daily drawings. Did you miss them? You can watch the recordings on Facebook or Youtube.


12th Annual Autism Walk Registration is Open

The AUTISM WALK is the premier autism awareness event in Northwest Ohio and the primary fundraiser for the Autism Society of Northwest Ohio. The walk features family-friendly activities for children and access to local autism organizations in their resource area for families; and so much more!

EVERY DOLLAR raised at the event stays right here in the COMMUNITY to help the Autism Society of Northwest Ohio provide support, education, and advocacy to individuals, families, and professionals that work tirelessly to support individuals with autism. Their service area includes Lucas, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Williams, and Wood counties. Day of registration and family-friendly activities begin at 9 a.m. The walk will begin promptly at 10 a.m. on October 27.


Special Education Free Legal Clinic on Monday

The Special Education Legal Clinic offers parents and guardians an opportunity to meet with a special education advocate or attorney in an open and welcoming environment to ask questions and discuss specific challenges related to education. Clinic staff members and volunteers will help guide parents and guardians through the special education process and provide resources to request and secure special education services. On September 16 at noon, there will be a group workshop (topic is Navigating Transportation Challenges in Special Education) followed by a Q&A panel from special education professionals. The Clinic is a public-private collaboration between three independent organizations, including Disability Rights Ohio, the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children With Disabilities, and Albeit Weiker, LLP. Cick headline for full details and the link to register.


DODD Family Advisory Council Meeting September 18

Family Advisory Council (FAC) meetings take place quarterly and are open to everyone. The next zoom meeting is September 18, from noon - 1:30 p.m. The Family Advisory Council provides a forum for the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) to hear directly from family members about the issues that affect their lives and provides the opportunity to learn more about the department's current initiatives from executive staff. FAC is a forum for families to have their voices directly heard by DODD leadership. To request an accommodation due to a disability, reach out to


Sensory-Friendly Morning September 21 at the NMGL

The National Museum of the Great Lakes (NMGL) offers an inclusive and serene environment for families and individuals with sensory sensitivities to explore and enjoy their exhibits during Sensory Friendly Mornings! During Sensory Friendly Mornings, visitors can expect: Limited crowds to ensure a peaceful visit, dim lighting for a calming ambiance, and reduced or eliminated exhibit sounds to minimize auditory stimulation. The next Sensory Friendly Morning is on September 21, from 9-10 a.m.


Sibshops fall session begins September 21

Does your child with special needs have a sibling, aged 8-16 years old? This free group is just for them! Sibshops provide young brothers and sisters with peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. The next meeting is on September 21, and is a special, family-inclusive (free) event, a river boat cruise on the Sandpiper in downtown Toledo from 10 a.m. to noon. Must register by today! To register, click here.

Did you know?


You'll find even MORE events on our online calendar, as well as further details on these highlighted events.


Click here to view our calendar of ALL upcoming events!

Aging Gracefully - September 2024 Edition is available

In this issue of Aging Gracefully, you'll find helpful information about changes in weather, health articles discussing both walking and Alzheimer's treatment, the Buckeye Card (discounts on goods and services), educational events, and more! Click here to check it out!


Grants Available for Lucas County Businesses!

Lucas DD is offering grants of up to $20,000 to help local businesses create more inclusive restrooms! This is your chance to improve accessibility and expand your customer base. Lucas DD Adult Changing Table Grants were established to award Lucas County businesses/agencies the opportunity to develop inclusive spaces with the ability to install or modify changing tables in restrooms for all individuals. Application deadline is Oct. 4. Click the link above to learn more and apply! 


Adult Day Grants Application Deadline is Oct. 31

The third and final cycle of the 2024 Lucas DD Adult Day Grant application is underway! The goal of the grants, of up to $10,000, is to help fund technologies or programs that expand or enhance Adult Day or Employment services, promote community integration and community employment, and/or helps people achieve their goals related to Adult Day/Employment services & supports. 


Polling Place Accessibility Audit Toolkits Available

Despite federal laws that require polling places to be accessible; voters with disabilities continue to experience barriers on election day. In 2016, the Government Accountability Office found that 60 percent of polling places had at least one problem that made them inaccessible.

One way to improve election accessibility is to conduct accessibility audits of polling places in your community on election day. Accessibility audits can be a huge undertaking, which is why the National Polling Access Audit Coalition has created a toolkit to support your work.



On 9/26/2024 at 9:00 am, in the Larc Lane Training Center, Emily Matthews, 211 Program Manager for Toledo Area 211 will be conducting a 1 hour informational and training session, followed by a Q&A on the services that are available to the individuals we serve through the United Way. Do you know that United Way 211 is a free and anonymous information and referral service available to anyone in Lucas, Ottawa or Wood County with a health or human service needs? United Way 211 has a database of thousands of different health and human service resources for residents of Lucas, Ottawa and Wood counties. Assistance in the areas of: Food, Housing and Utility Assistance; Employment Services; Childcare; Healthcare; Legal Services; Veteran Services; and Tax Preparation Services are available. Please register by contacting Danielle Russell through the link or call her at 419-380-5132. CEUs available for Adult Services, SSA, EI, IA, CB and Superintendent.

Lucas DD is looking for some trunks with treats!

Sign up to decorate your trunk and hand out treats to all the Trunk & Treat attendees on October 15! Email Lori Balogh to sign up.


Inclusive Haunted Trail Needs Volunteers

S.O.A.R., the Christ United Methodist Church of Oregon, and Friends of Maumee Bay State Park are working together on an Inclusive Haunted Trail fundraiser at Maumee Bay State Park. The event, 5:30-10 p.m. on Oct 11, and again on Oct.12, is aimed at bringing the community together to support individuals with disabilities and have a lot of fun. There will be a sensory-friendly trail from 6-7 p.m. on both days. The group is looking for clubs or organizations to adopt a section of the trail that they'd like to decorate as a scary scene. Prizes will be awarded for the top vote getters. Click on the link above for more info, or email or call/text 419-461-7366.


Sleep & Safety Monitoring Study

This study is part of a transformative technology project funded by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. The goal is to enhance the safety and quality of life for people with developmental disabilities by using advanced AI-powered monitoring systems. Click on the link above to learn more and sign up.


Ohio Family Resource Network Survey

This survey will help the Ohio Family Resource Network better understand the experience of families and community partners as they connect with the Ohio Family Network organizations. Family Networks help connect families who have family members with disabilities, so they feel less isolated and better supported. They encourage families to have high expectations for their family members with disabilities and envision bright futures where they are active community members. They also work within local communities to help community resources better welcome and support all families.

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