Computers for Ohioans with Disabilities
Assistive Technology of Ohio has a statewide program that helps people with disabilities obtain their own computer. Knowledge of how to use a computer, the Internet, e-mail and social networking are becoming fundamental, basic skills necessary for community living, employment and education. Recent studies have shown that, due to financial considerations, people with disabilities are among the most likely group of people to not own a computer. Any legal Ohio resident with a disability, any age, with a need for a computer, is eligible for the program. Click here for full details, including the cost and the application process.
Self-Advocacy Weekly Meeting with OSDA
Ohio Self Determination Association (OSDA) is a non-profit organization that empowers people with disabilities and their families. Their goal is to expand awareness of self-determination principles, provide valuable training resources, and promote advocacy efforts. Join them for an online meeting every Wednesday at 11am to learn more about self-advocacy skills and how to speak up for yourself and others! Below, you'll find the planned topics for each week. To see the topics for the week, simply click here. You can RSVP through the website at, by email at, or by phone at Toll Free: 1-866-584-5640.
Free Resource for Those with Rare Chromosome Disorders
Discovering that you or your child has a rare chromosome disorder, copy number variant or single gene disorder that is causing a learning disability, developmental delay or other symptoms can come as a great shock. You might be feeling a mixture of emotions; sadness, confusion, numbness, anger, guilt, "why me?", isolation, bewilderment and very often a sense of grief for the child you had anticipated. You might despair at the lack of information available or that the disorder doesn't have a 'proper' name. Whatever your feelings and emotions, it can help to talk to people who understand what you are going through. With a global network of families and professionals, the online group called Unique can help you learn more about your child's (or your own) rare chromosomal abnormality. You can ask questions and be even matched with other families who are in the same or similar situation. Click here to visit their website.
Applications being accepted for Lucas DD Adult Day Program Grants
Adult Day and Employment Service agency providers within Lucas County are eligible to apply for funding to expand existing services and/or enhance their current program to be in line with DODD and Lucas DD’s vision for enhanced Adult Day and Employment Services. Each agency is eligible to receive up to $10,000 in funding that helps expand and/or enhance Adult Day and/or Employment services, promote community integration and community employment, and/or helps people achieve their goals related to Adult Day/Employment services & supports. Click here to learn more and apply!