Every month, The Ability Center hosts this group that brings together kids and parents to connect, socialize and build community. Kids can be kids in gym activities with Ability Center staff, while parents interact in a nearby room. Parents must remain in the building. Registration is required, and a confirmation email will be sent to you or your child once you have registered.
Children (school age - kindergarten through 12 years old) can expect: to interact with other children while participating in fun activities led by staff- table games, basketball, sensory obstacles, drawing, building and other gym type games.
Parents can expect: a chance to connect with other parents in a nearby room while their children play. Time to share resources knowing their children are having a good time, and the ability to check on them if wanted.
Light refreshments offered.
Everyone is welcome to this accessible and sensory-friendly experience. Call Jennifer at 419-855-5733, jengelmann@abilitycenter.org if you have additional questions or concerns.
School Age Playgroup & Parent Talk
The Ability Center of Greater Toledo
5605 Monroe St.
Sylvania, OH 43560
United States