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Lucas DD Tech Grants Empower Adult Day Programs, Individuals

Lucas DD started the Adult Day Program Grants cycle in 2023. The goal of the grants is to help fund technologies or programs that expand or enhance Adult Day and/or Employment services, promote community integration and community employment, or helps people achieve their goals related to Adult Day/Employment services & supports. To date, more than $150,000 have been given to day programs operating in Lucas County. We asked these providers to share what these grants have meant to them and, more importantly, their individuals served.

Bittersweet Farms

The gift of this grant us to enhance the Adult Day Program at Bittersweet Farms in Whitehouse. The Adult Day Program allows our participants to achieve their individual goals by learning valuable work skills and sharpening fine motor skills as they work in our Day Program areas, including the Gardens Vocation Program, Horticulture, Creative Arts, Culinary, and Animal Therapy. 

Outdoor sensory enhancements such as sensory swings, alternative seating including rocking chairs and stools, bean bag chairs and ball chairs will provide outdoor sensory input to our participants. 

Indoor sensory friendly tools such as speakers, weighted blankets and weighted lap pads will provide sensory input to participants in the individual program areas. Computer tablets and applications will enhance communication and provide easily accessible structured support. New safety gear for groundskeeping including cooling hats, ear protection and trouser chaps will continue to support participant safety.  

One of our participants has noise sensitivity and really enjoys listening to music. We utilized money from this grant to purchase noise cancelling headphones that can be connected to our iPads (that we also purchased with this grant money). The participant utilizes the headphones throughout the day while completing his work tasks in our day program and can often be seen working and singing along to his favorite Disney music around the farm. He can independently access the music app on the iPad and select the songs that he would like to listen to.

Luther Home of Mercy

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for awarding us with the technology grant. We are thrilled to have received this opportunity, and I wanted to provide you with an update on the positive outcomes and impact it has had on our organization and the individuals we serve. 

Since receiving the grant, the implementation of smartboards at our Advent location has been transformational. We have witnessed enhanced learning experiences with the interactive and visual nature of the smartboards. It has made educational content more accessible and engaging. The individuals at Advent are actively participating, exploring, and retaining information in ways that were not possible before. 

One of the most significant outcomes have been the increased independence of our individuals. The smartboard features, such as touch­screen capabilities and assistive technology integration, have empowered individuals to navigate through lessons and access resources. This grant has given us the opportunity to purchase a wide variety of programs to help fulfill outcomes. An individual that attends Advent has a money management goal to learn the value of money and how to make change. The ADA grant has provided us the opportunity to purchase interactive money programs that captures his attention and provides a diverse learning experience. 

Luther Home of Mercy has set-up additional training for DSP's working directly with the smart board in January of 2024 provided by Schoolhouse Electronics. This training will further equip DSP's with additional opportunities to learn more about its features and functionalities. 

Once again, thank you for your generous grant and for believing in our mission to support individuals in a new way. The impact of the smartboards on their lives have been immeasurable.

Epilepsy Center of Northwest Ohio

Residents enjoyed the versatile benefits of a Vibe Smart Board, including cardio drumming!

 Resident on chairs and wheelchairs do cardio drumming watching along on a Smartboard


Manahan's River Crossings Adult Day Program serves over 30 adults with disabilities. 89% of attendees enjoy making minimum wage through their work in the shredding/work room. 

This grant was instrumental in expanding the individuals' safety in the work room and in the community (safety vests) during paper pick-ups and recycling drop-offs. 

The adaptive trays and table have made it easier for individuals with limited mobility to work! The new goggles and gloves provide added protection for them when sorting paper and removing paper clips and staples. 

Keeping the work room clean is another paid job. The room is now easier to maintain with the totes and Shop-Vac! 

We are grateful to the Lucas DD for helping us expand accessibility and put additional safety measures in place!

Individual in a hoodie writing on a dry erase boardCaring & Compassionate Healthcare LLC

Caring & Compassionate Healthcare (C&CHC) is a small agency servicing individuals with Developmental Disabilities and mental health needs in Lucas County. Our agency provides unique and individualized services such as vocational habilitation, work skills, cooking skills, computer skills, literacy skills, art, music, yoga, leisure plus more. In the past year it has been challenging for C&CHC to financially overcome obstacles that will allow new opportunities for our individuals. With the assistance of the ADS Grant awarded to our agency by Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Lucas DD), C&CHC has been able to purchase additional activities/ items that has allowed our agency to provide our individuals with more resources that will lead to positive outcomes. C&CHC has added items such as a sensory tent, weighted blankets, fidgets, bean bag, activity cube, educational laptops, and a standing art/ dry erase board. In addition, the ADS Grant has allowed C&CHC to purchase items that will provide an increase in safety measures for our individuals such as a raised toilet seat, grab bars, changing station/ bed, gait belts, and adaptive utensils. C&CHC is proud to announce that the assistance from the ADS Grant has resulted in a more safe, fun, and effective Adult Day Support program. C&CHC would like to thank Lucas DD for this opportunity for which our ADS will run more efficiently and offer more unique services. 

Assured Health Services

The items we were able to acquire through this grant have provided hundreds of opportunities for independence, dignity, growth, and success every day. We don’t want to highlight one story we want to share many. These may seem like little things, but the opportunities and confidence they give our members are huge!

  • Tara is now able to pull up under the table and reach the computer without assistance from anyone.  She is able to use the adaptive mouse to navigate independently as the curve of her hand makes a "typical" mouse difficult to use. She also uses the sink extender and can now reach the running water instead of using wipes or staff having to help. 
  • Jennifer uses an adaptive spoon to make stirring easier while making a friend’s birthday treat!
  • Nic and Dean were able to navigate the Ohio Means Jobs website together and complete a job skills assessment.  

Photos of individuals enjoying new technology at Assured HealthThe sensory room has given many people the opportunity to decompress.  We had a new member that, unbeknownst to us, can be sensitive to sound or become overwhelmed easily. On his second day, staff noticed he looked overwhelmed or scared.  When asked he was unable to articulate exactly what he was feeling. Staff took him to the new sensory room to just sit and chill. He turned on the lighting and laid there for a few minutes resulting in staff being able to go back in and chat with him about what was going on. He reported he started to have a panic attack, felt really overwhelmed, and was unable to express that. He stayed in the sensory room about 15 minutes before returning to the main center and getting back to activities. He thanked staff later for providing the break.  He didn’t want to get his picture taken so staff were more than willing!  They also take advantage of the calming atmosphere if they need a break so they can be their best self for our members.

We have a member who does not let staff assist with brief changes during ADS hours. He feels too proud. He is also very tall and does not fit on a typical changing table. A new area was created, with a larger changing table and it is more private and secluded. He has allowed us to assist him with changing multiple times. He even made his mom come and look at the new area to show her how private and comfortable it is. 

A small group was able to utilize the smart board, using a game for grocery shopping on a budget and paying for items. The group was able to do this in a quiet area with peers at their skill level and have a game geared specifically toward their skill set. They used it several times and discuss how to shop on a budget now. 

We are so thankful for the opportunity to receive this grant.  Our Mission Statement is “Helping Others Succeed”.  While we can do that with big events or meeting outcomes such as a vacation to Hawaii, the best things for us are helping those we serve every day.  Assured Health promotes independence and everything we were able to obtain from this grant helps people be the most independent they can be now and work towards even more in the future! 

Sunshine Communities

Robert is a 37-year-old gentleman who has been attending vocational services with Sunshine since 2010. Robert thoroughly enjoys one-to-one attention from some of his favorite staff. Regularly Robert seeks undivided attention from the staff and can be very demanding to get that attention. He is unable to cognitively recognize that others in his room need attention as well. As a result, Robert struggles with building relationships with peers due to his high focus on staff. Robert benefits from having sensory input as it helps him relax, allowing him to work on his desired outcome of being more independent. The privacy screens have allowed staff to define a space for Robert to be able to work towards his goals and outcomes. 

Imagine of Robert, a black individual, playing with sensory lights and wiresRobert and his staff can now set up an activity in the same room using the privacy screens allowing him the opportunity to have a space to spend quality time with staff. Robert, at times, enjoys a different type of environment than the rest of his peers. For Robert, a relaxing environment is one with comfortable seating, lights on, soft music, and some of his favorite magazines in hand. He prefers to have a space where there aren't many peers around him. Many of Robert's peers are busy and like to be on the go, which can make him anxious. Having this space identified for individuals like Robert allows them the opportunity to be separated from their peers when their needs and wants are different. He can work with peers in a smaller setting allowing for the opportunity to build those relationships at his own pace. This space also helps Robert stay focused on tasks so that staff can work one-on-one with other individuals. This space allows Robert to work on being independent at his own pace. He has the comfort of knowing that his staff are still present while being able to enjoy a preferred environment. 

Robert is representative of others who have benefited from the screens. They serve as more than a privacy area for clothing or brief changes. They have allowed the staff to create welcoming spaces where assessments take place, employment skills are enhanced, and activities are enhanced.

Taylor Made Nursing 

Two power recliners were purchased with the proceeds of the grant. 

AG (in picture) strives to be as independent as possible and has stated that she likes to do things for herself. Due to AG's medical condition, she is unable to push herself up from a "non­modified" chair/sofa to a standing position. AG relies on ADS staff to assist her from a chair/sofa back into her wheelchair. 

AG is able to stand from her wheelchair, with the use of a lift cushion in her wheelchair. Although AG was apprehensive at first, ADS staff practiced with AG on where to position her wheelchair prior to getting into recliner (making sure all that wheels are locked), how to operate recliner remote control, and how to safely transfer back into her wheelchair using the power lift recliner. 

AG is now able to go from a sitting position to a safe standing position, and transfer herself into her wheelchair independently

The mission statement of Taylor Made Nursing is to "enhance the lives of our participants while providing opportunities and activities that promote skills that lead to increased independence". Taylor Made Nursing has been challenged with affording additional equipment that increases the independence of our mobility impaired and visually impaired participants. We were also challenged with the inability to provide our participants opportunities to operate computer based programming and activities independently as opposed to working in groups. 

Two 24-inch desktop computers were purchased instead of one desktop and an iPad because we realized that several of our participants were with limited sight. Microsoft Office was also installed on both computers. The two desktop computers are used daily by our participants to engage in interactive programming, completing on-line job applications, creating a non­broadcasted podcast, and many other things. Our participants can now choose to work independently or with the group. 

Two power recliners were also purchased with proceeds from the grant. Both recliners have been in use, assisting participants to safely go from a sitting to a standing position independently. Staff assistance was previously required if the participant wanted to get up from a chair. The ability to move around more independently has resulted in increased participation in scheduled activities. 

Our participants have been excited about the increased access to computers with more advanced programming. They have also stated that the recliners are comfortable, easy to use and make it easier for them to get up and move around.

Unique Health Care Solutions

Unique Health Care Solutions ADS received a grant of $6,700 for improvements to our ADS program.  To date we have enlarged our Turtle Charlie’s home. He now has twice the space to swim and bask in the light. The new filtration system is so much more efficient and quieter. Charlie’s quality of life has improved greatly.  This new tank also offers more opportunities for our individuals to interact and be responsible for Charlie.  We are helping and instructing several individuals on the care of Charlie and his home. 

A large part of our grant is being used to set up a “gym” area for our people.  Because of the age and disabilities involved, we chose to start the program with an upright bicycle and a rowing machine. Both came highly recommended for our program and have proven to be a success, especially for Gus, a blind individual we serve, who loves the new rowing machine. Both have been so popular that we have a schedule for time and activities often doing separate times for ladies and for gentlemen.  Only one of our individuals has not taken part to date but we are still encouraging her. She is very curious, watches and asks questions while her other friends are participating.  We are considering adding another one or two machines to this area if space and money permit. From all of us at Unique, “THANK YOU” for the financial help and encouragement. 

Lott Industries

Through this grant, 32 Adult Day Service individuals have had the opportunity to experience and explore technology. The ADS attendees at Lott are diverse in age, gender, and race with 10 women and 22 men, ranging in age from 23 to 76. There are 10 African American, 3 Hispanic, and 19 non-African America/Non-Hispanic individuals that participate in the current ADS programs offered at Lott Industries.

Only nine individuals in Lott’s ADS program had used some type of technology equipment prior to acquiring the new equipment afforded through the Grant. Since acquiring the additional technology equipment, the opportunities for learning have been exponential and all ADS program participants have benefited from electronic devices made available through this grant.  As an example, individuals with certain cognitive barriers are unable to understand the function and use of a computer mouse. With newer equipment, we can better instruct these individuals on how to operate and maneuver on internet sites using touch screens on computers and iPads. 

Individuals of our ADS program are learning that the world is at their fingertips and have used the new PCs and iPads to explore and learn about topics of personal interest that stimulate them from an activity standpoint as well as enhance their ability to acquire and understand information and instructions. We are pleased to share a few examples of how some individuals in the program have benefited from the additional technology:

  • D.P. had an interest in learning how to stain furniture. Staff assisted by introducing him to staining tutorials online so that he could learn and develop this as a new skill. He is gaining some practice in this area, due to the tutorials and hopes one day to be skilled enough to work in a business that restores furniture.
  • C.W. scraps metal with his dad and wanted to learn more about how to scrap metal.  With the staff’s assistance C.W. has explored YouTube for scrapping videos and is learning from others on the proper methods of scrapping and how it can be more profitable.
  • G.B. A glass artist at Lott reviewed information and instruction on how to create mosaic windows so that he could learn the process of mosaic art. His goal is to create and sell art to the public through local art shows. 
  • C.R.’s dream is to be able to express herself through writing. She has been given instruction and guidance on accessing several websites to learn more about publishing a newspaper and writing books.  She has learned how to access the local library website and select books, as well as other websites, that are useful for her to pursue creative writing. 

Success and positive outcomes are being realized with the variety of technology Lott is now able to offer individuals. The Pen Scanners have been able to give individuals that are unable to acquire reading skills independence and expand their experiences at Lott. It is a tool that can enhance learning, but also has allowed for a sense of belonging by enabling these individuals to participate in a “Book Club” at Lott. The pen technology allows the individual that is unable to read, to scan the material with the pen and hear the words. This technology allows for more learning opportunities as well as more inclusivity within certain classrooms.

With additional technology being utilized and to further train our individuals for success, another component with a focus on technology safety has been added. Technology safety classes have been established to educate individuals about accessing the internet in a safe manner. These classes cover topics such as protecting one’s identity by creating secure passwords and not sharing personal or inappropriate information to strangers on media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To emphasize the importance of using technology safely, a guest speaker from the Toledo Police Department presented real life examples of how easily people can become scammed and taken advantage of and necessary steps to take to prevent such an incident.   

The creation of a technology room, incorporating the newest technology purchased through the Lucas DD grant has made a positive impact on the individuals served by Lott’s ADS Program. There is true excitement among the individuals who have utilized and learned by having access to this new technology. Along with the Pen scanners, PC’s and iPads, individuals are learning to use money identifiers, Alexa devices, and microphone recorders, and have been given opportunities for knowledge and independence that was not easily accessible prior to this grant. The ADS staff will continue to provide additional learning opportunities, with the use of this technology provided, to lead to greater independence and empowerment of the individuals we serve.

Preston Homes

Preston Homes serves a variety of clients all of whom face different challenges. With the use of the AbleNet Quick Talker FT23, one of our minimally verbal clients has been able to communicate more clearly and effectively with staff and other clients. It has been a delight to watch him light up when he presses one of the communication buttons and he's able to get what he's looking for. Two of our clients became very excited at the thought of being able to read with less help from staff using the OrCam reading assistance devices. One client of the two was able to master the device fairly quickly and was able to help staff teach the other client how to comfortably use it, and the pair have become more comfortable book readers. The headphones have been a favorite among most of the clients, giving them the opportunity to listen to what they want to, which has raised spirts immensely and reduced the amount of infighting among the clients over the music playing. The Chromebook laptop has given the clients a newfound sense of independence and built their confidence with using computers. They have several educational webpages that they all enjoy taking turns using the laptop to go to and have another tool to learn their life skills, like counting money, basic math, and all of the random history facts they could ever want to know. 

Preston Homes and our Clientele greatly appreciate the gift of the grant and the improvements we were able to make through it.

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